Coach Nicollas Welker gets to finals at ADCC Jiu Jitsu Championship!
Professor Fabio featured on Cover of VC Reporter!
Saturday!!! Coach Nicollas Welker Seminar in Ventura!
Best Martial Arts School in Ventura County!
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Parents & Professor Open House a Success!
Happy Birthday, Coach Dini!
Sao Paulo State Champion, Professor Renan!
Black Belt Club coming to Camarillo in October!
Happy Birthday Amelia!!
Parents & Professors Open House
Baby Jayden is born!
Seminar with Professor Renan in Brazil!
Congrats to our Competitors!
New Ryan Gracie Tribute Gi's!
Professor Fabio teaching in Hawaii!
New T-shirts! Check them out at Online Store!
UFC Champ Rafael Dos Anjos visits Gracie Morumbi!
Happy Labor Day Everyone!!
Closed Sunday and Monday for Labor Day
Great Muay Thai Seminar, with Kru Nokweed!