We are moving!

Hi everyone.

Many of you are participating in our online training - you guys are awesome! We're constantly improving the curriculum and the way we teach virtually, so please attend and give us your feedback so that we can keep improving.

On a different topic, if you go by the Academy you will see a "For Lease" sign on the door. WE'RE MOVING! This does not mean that we are going out of business. Six months before any of this craziness started we entered into escrow on a new, larger facility. Two days before all this hit we received the keys. We're the proud owner of a place you're going to love! Here's the address of our new place: 3171 E. Main st in ventura by the mall.

I know that many of you are concerned about whether the Academy will re-open. And that doesn't change because we have a new place. I won't deny that things are very tough, but no matter what when this is over we'll have a place we can all train together.

In the meantime, THANK YOU to everyone who is helping us get through this by keeping their membership payments going. It makes a huge difference! If you can do it, we appreciate it so much. And of course, we'll credit you for every single day that we are closed.

Love you guys, we're going to come back stronger than ever from this,

Professor Fabio

Fabio Leopoldo