Our New Schedule Starts From This Monday Ventura

Hello everyone, If you've been to the Academy recently, then you've probably heard me talk about the new training schedule. It's going to be amazing!

We've made some important changes:

  • more classes
  • at new times
  • with a more focused curriculum

  • First, we've created a Fundamentals class. This is designed for new students with a focus on introducing the most important concepts and positions in Jiu Jitsu. Anyone can attend this class and in fact, even if you're a blue or purple belt, I encourage you to do so. We can all benefit by brushing up on our foundations

    We've also created a White Belt Intermediate class. This class refines and expands the key concepts and positions introduced in the Fundamentals class and will help you master the most important positions in Jiu Jitsu during this key period in your development. Everyone who is a White Belt with 2 stripes and above is invited to attend this class.

    The Advanced class is for Blue Belts and higher on their way to a Black Belt, and focuses on attack and defense techniques for every self-defense situation.

    I'm really excited about the new schedule and I think it's going to help everyone reach their goals faster!
