[Video] Latest news about Morumbi
Morumbi Academy February News from Morumbi on Vimeo.
By now you’ve probably seen the posters in the Academy about training clean.
We take pride in creating and maintaining a clean environment. It makes our training more enjoyable and keeps us all healthy.Please remember to wear footwear in the Academy at all times. Never walk barefoot in the Academy. Wear your sandals to the mat, and when you exit the mat.
Remember not to train if you’re sick. Your friends will appreciate your consideration. And stay healthy by staying hydrated – bring a water bottle to class and take advantage of the water station.
We’ve got a new class on Friday in Thousand Oaks, open mat at 6:30. Come practice whatever you want, gi or no gi, roll or techniques. We’d love to see you there!
Thank you, Professor Fabio